Turkish for Travellers e-kitap

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Turkish for Travellers e-Kitap PDF olarak ücretsiz

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  • ISBN-10:
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  • boyutlar: Cep Boy
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  • Yazar:
  • Fiyat: 6,00 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Turkish for Travellers


Judge this book by its cover- it will save you some time.

2022-09-18 18:08


I remember picking up this book in my high school library to glance at during a free period and becoming completely engrossed in it. The language, the honest take on Fitzgerald, the frank descriptions of his writing process - this is wonderful Hemingway. I got the itch to re-read this one after just re-reading "The Sun Also Rises" and I'm so glad I did. As usual, Hemingway's language is spare, but if feels much more personal than in his novels and stories. His inclusion of strange, unexplained details, which strike a reader as unnecessary in his novels, here include family nicknames and his own unexpressed reactions to the peculiarities of his artist friends. His insecurities about his published stories and his slightly superstitious writing habits are a charming change from his usual bluster. This Hemingway seems a nicer person than the one I know from "Farewell to Arms." Still, he's imperfect - the book ends on a note of infidelity, which I know must be coming, but I never expect. The book has very quotable passages, which I wish I'd marked, and tempts me to continue my Hemingway re-reading habit.

2020-08-07 15:40

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