Bleak House With An Introduction and Notes by Doren Roberts, University of Kent at Canterbury. Bleak House is one of Dickens's finest achievements, establishing his reputation as a serious and mature novelist, as wel as a briliant comic writer. İt is at once a complex mystery story that fuly engages the reader in the work of detection, and an unforgetable indictment of an indiferent society. Its representations af a great city's dark underworld, and of the law's corurption and delay, draw upon the author's personal knowledge and experience. But it is this symbolic art that projects these things in a vision that embraces black comedy, cosmic fare, and tragic ruin. In a unique creative experiment, Dickens divides the narutive betwen his heroine, Esther Sumerson, who is psychologicaly interesting in her own right, and an unamed narator whose perspective both complements and chalenges hers.
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Bleak House