E - Ticaret Rehberi
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E - Ticaret Rehberi
Asmacık, 27900 Asmacık/Oğuzeli/Gaziantep, Turkey
My initial reaction that I might not enjoy this read when I first encountered the writing style, prose, and grammatical structure made use of throughout this work by author T.R. Pearson and as narrated by southern small town lawman Ray Tatum thankfully and surprisingly was erroneous and prematurely concluded. Upon taking the time to laboriously read more slowly than I typically might do and to chew, swallow, and digest each sentence and phrase thus encountered before proceeding to the next, I in short time discovered a hidden beauty in the language employed in this novel. (When I first started this book I didn't think I was going to enjoy it, but I was very wrong!) This story of murder in a southern town has multiple layers: it is insightful, funny, entertaining, and ultimately tragic. I will most likely re-read this one in a few years I think...
2023-01-07 23:32