Konuşan Kitap 2 : Teşekürler Alah’ım - Mürşide Uysal Konuşan kitap serisinin ilk dördünde Yusuf ile Elif, günlük yaşantılarında ve oyunlarında köpekleri çomar, kedileri minoş, güvercinleri cankuş ve pamuk kuzu ile birlikte iken, - Konuşan kitap serisinin birincisinde, her işten önce besmele çekmeyi, - Konuşan kitap serisinin İkincisinde, Alah'ın verdiği her şey için teşekür etmeyi, - Konuşan kitap serisinin üçüncüsünde, gördükleri her şeyde Alah'ı bilmeyi ve sevmeyi, - Konuşan kitap serisinin dördüncüsünde, Sevgili Peygamberimizin herkese ve özelikle çocuklara olan sevgisini öğreniyorlar ve hep birlikte ilahilerini söylüyorlar. - Konuşan kitap serisinin beşincisinde, Kur'an Elifba'sını ve harekeli okunuşlarını Türkiye ve dünya Kur'an-ı Kerim güzel okuma birincisi Hafız Bünyamin Karakoç okudu. İsmail Uslu yönetiminde Grup 571 çocuk ilahi grubu da elifba ilahisini seslendirdi. - Konuşan kitaplardan altıncısında, dini kavramlar ve namaz surelerini Türkiye ve dünya Kur'an-ı Kerim güzel okuma birincisi Hafız Bünyamin Karakoç seslendirdi.
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Konuşan Kitap 2 : Teşekkürler Allah’ım - Mürşide Uysal
Asinaŭka, Beyaz Rusya
When I was 13 and first read Tamora Pierce my favorite thing about what she wrote was romance. I loved the whole Alanna/George/Jonathan triangle and all the romance in other series to follow. Now, at 24, I still love her romance. But more than that I love how inspiring she is. Almost all of the stories are about a girl who rises above what is expected of her (there is one story about a tree/man, and one about a crow/man that also deal with standing up for yourself and being who you are). It's hard to read these stories and not believe that you, personally, can do do anything you want in life (though it will always require a lot of hard work first). Tamora Pierce is always full of really good messages for young people, but she never really sugar coats it. You have to spend years and years as a page before you can become that knight. Or you have to really fight for and stand up to your father before you can really learn magic and go to school. Or you have to really spend all of your time helping to save one ugly animal for months to see any positive results. And that's what I love most about her writing now. Her characters don't just magically get what they need when they need it (like in a lot of fairy tales); they work and work and work for them. This book is full of so many amazing characters and ideas. You will probably find yourself wishing some of the stories were longer (in book format) so you can keep reading them!
2022-10-29 03:47