Sabahattin Ali Seti (7 Kitap Takım Kutulu) (Kapak değişebilir) e-kitap

Sabahattin Ali Seti (7 Kitap Takım Kutulu) (Kapak değişebilir) PDF ve diğer formatlarda e-Kitap

Modern Türk edebiyatının en önemli kalemlerinden biri olan Sabahattin Ali yazdığı eserlerle adını edebiyat tarihinin unutulmazları arasına yazdırmıştır. Yazarın toplumcu bakış açısı ve aydın duyarlılığıyla kaleme aldığı ve yazıldığı dünden bugüne ilgiyle okunan yapıtlarını sizler için bir araya getirdik. Bu sette yazarın üç romanı ve dört öykü kitabı yer alıyor: İçimizdeki Şeytan Kuyucaklı Yusuf Kürk Mantolu Madonna Kağnı-Ses Yeni Dünya Değirmen-Esirler Sırça Köşk. Daha az göster


Sabahattin Ali Seti (7 Kitap Takım Kutulu) (Kapak değişebilir) e-Kitap PDF olarak ücretsiz

  • Yazar:
  • Yayımcı: The Roman; 1. basım
  • Yayın tarihi:
  • kapak:
  • Dil: Türkçe
  • ISBN-10:
  • ISBN-13:
  • boyutlar: 12 x 18.8 x 7 cm
  • Ağırlık:
  • Ciltli:1116 sayfa
  • Dizi:
  • sınıf:
  • Yaş:
  • Yazar:
  • Fiyat:

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Sabahattin Ali Seti (7 Kitap Takım Kutulu) (Kapak değişebilir)


مقتطفات من كتاب "الموشحات الاندلسيه- محمد زكريا عدنان" هو كتاب اكاديمي اكثر من كونه كتاب لعامه الناس فهو يتحدث عن نشأه الموشحات واقسامها وشعرائها حتي سقوط الاندلس ويعيبه قله الموشحات به فهو يتكلم عن الشاعر ثم يذكر له بيتين اوثلاثه علي الاكثر اشرقت انوارُ مُحمد واختفت منه البدور يا محمد يا محمد انت نورٌ فوق نور -------------- هُــن الظباء الشمس قنـيصهـن الضيغمُ ما إن لها من كُنس الا القلوب الهيُيمُ القرب منها عُرس والبعد عنها مأتمُ تلك الشفاه اللُعس يحيا بهن المغرمُ لها لِحاظ نُعس ترنو الي من يسقمُ ------------ ايُها الساقي المُحيـا بــريـاحين التــمني سحرُ عينيك الحُمـيا فاصرفِ الصـهباء عني لا تسلطها عليــا فالهوي قد نال مني ----------- قد بُلينـا وابتلـينا وما يقول النـاس فينا قُم بنا يا نور عينـي نجعلُ الشـك يقينا ---------- شاهدي ف الحب من حُرقي ادمُعٌ كالجمر تنذرِف تعجز الاوصاف عن قمرٍ خدهُ يَــدمي من النظر بشـرٌ يسمــو علي البشر قد بـراه الله من عَلَقِ ما عسي ف حُسنِه اصف -------------- خــدُهـا الأســيل بـدت منه انوارُ طـرفُهــا الكحـيل سُــلّ منه بتَّــارُ هــا انــا القتيلُ فهل يؤخذ الثــارُ ----------- يامن اغالــبهُ والشوق اغلبُ وارتجـي وصلهُ والنجم اقربُ سددت باب الرضا عن كل مطلبُ زُرني ولو في المنام وجُــد ولو بالســلام فأقــل الـقلــيل يـُبقي دمــاءُ المُستــهام

2022-10-29 03:22


I've been reading an amazing historical fantasy romance read by author MC Halliday. I had the joy of finding her books at a previous publisher a year or so ago with I CAME UP THE STAIRS, a historical regency romance. This book had me captivated by her writing voice and an absorbing read set in London. I'm just so looking forward to more in this series. I hope this book gets re-released so that others can have the joy of reading this and more from that series. Author MC Halliday has this historical fantasy romance book, THE KING'S DAUGHTER, available through Samhain Publishing both in E-Book and Print. Below will be info on on to obtain the book as well as the author's site. Even with the first paragraph of this book, this author just pulled me right in, even the first sentence: "My father, I will honor your pledge of my betrothal." Magaith, the heroine of this story, had been betrothed to the King of Connacht. She does not want this marriage but they've been battling with this king's clan and it was seen to be the only way to bring peace among Connacht and Munster, was to have this marriage. King Muster is Magaith's father. Even her father is not happy with having to force this betrothal. Secretly, Magaith is in love with her protector, a knight named Sygtryg. I fell in love with Sygtryg on the first page! He's a hero that so strong to his King as well as to Magaith. He had to fight so much internally, I was teary eyed often. Magaith too was a heroine that had a beautiful love for Sygtryg and too had a great respect for him. I know I use the word 'battle' alot but it does explain the internal conflicts they both had to endear. As he brings her, traveling to Connacht, she opens up to her love for him and they give in to their passion for each other as they also battle so much on this journey with magic, wizards, witches, and their love for one another! Gosh, there were times I thought those tears fell from me from all they endured. As Sygtryg fought emotionally too for his passion for Magaith, she did everything on this trip to fight for him from the tragedies that they both faced. THE KING'S DAUGHTER was a fantasy that the author, MC Halliday, so smoothly, elegantly and beautifully wrote!!! I could fall into this book without having to look back to understand this world the author wrote. Everything was explained but in a way that it flowed right into the story. I think too, MC's voice in her writing is also one that makes this story so visual, so real, makes it as watching this all unfold. I so recommend this book for those who love reading fantasy romance to those who haven't and want to try it, will be wanting to read more of MC's. I do hope there are more fantasy romances in the near future from MC Halliday. There's so much more of this story for you to read! Go below here to find the links for getting this book. Thanks again to MC Halliday for a wonderful read!

2022-10-29 03:06

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