Papatya Dizisi - 30 Kitap Set-Kolektif e-kitap

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Papatya Dizisi - 30 Kitap Set-Kolektif PAPATYA DİZİSİ 30 KİTAP Okumayı öğrenmiş çocuklarımızın okuma zevkini geliştirmek için hazırlanan bu dizi tüm edebi türlerden bir çeşit sunmaktadır. Şafak Tavkul’un eğlenceli çizimleri ile büyük beğeni toplayan bu dizi Türk ve dünya masalarının en güzel örneklerini içermektedir. Hikâye Değerlendirme Soruları kitapçığı öğretmenlerimize okuma sürecini değerlendirme imkânı sunacaktır. Resimleyen: Şafak Tavkul Tür: Masal, Öykü, Bilmece, Fıkra, Şir 13,5x19,5 cm 64 sayfa Renkli resimli 1. Pamuk Prenses ve Yedi Cüceler (Grim Masaları) 2. Üç Balık (Mesnevi’den Seçmeler) 3. Heidi 4. Balık Prens (Grim Masaları) 5. Ay Çeşmesi (Ezop Masaları) 6. Yakut Bebek (Keloğlan Masaları) 7. Kırmızı Pabuçlar (Andersen Masaları) 8. Altın Tüy (Rus Masaları) 9. Karagöz ile Hacivat 10. Sabır Taşı (Anadolu Masaları) 1. Küçük Deniz Kızı (Andersen Masaları) 12. Kurt ile Keçi Yavruları (Grim Masaları) 13. Kaybolan Heybe (Nasretin Hoca) 14. Parmak Kız (Andersen Masaları) 15. İki İnatçı Keçi (La Fontaine Masaları) 16. Pinokyo 7. Keloğlan’ın Değirmeni 18. Sihirli Yüzük (Rus Masaları) 19. Karakuş Geç Kalınca (Anadolu Masaları) 20. Çizmeli Kedi 21. Kırmızı Şapkalı Kız (Perault Masaları) 2. Peter Pan Düşler Adası’nda 23. Peter Pan Kara Kanca’ya Karşı 24. Polyana 25. Külkedisi (Perault Masaları) 26. Sihirli Bahçe (Oyunlar-Oyun Tekerlemeleri) 27. Açıl Susam Açıl (Masalar-Masal Tekerlemeleri) 28. Kakara Kikiri (Çocuk Fıkraları) 29. Fili Fili Kuş Dili (Bilmeceler) 30. Rüya Kız (Anadolu Masalar)


Papatya Dizisi - 30 Kitap Set-Kolektif e-Kitap PDF olarak ücretsiz

  • Yazar:
  • Yayın tarihi:
  • kapak:
  • Dil: Türkçe
  • ISBN-10:
  • ISBN-13:
  • boyutlar: Normal Boy
  • Ağırlık:
  • Ciltli:
  • Dizi:
  • sınıf:
  • Yaş: 6 - 9 Yaş
  • Yazar:
  • Fiyat: 120,00 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Papatya Dizisi - 30 Kitap Set-Kolektif


Eva both recommended this book to me and warned me--she was right on both counts. I've been reading everything I can by people who left their churches, and this lady left the Mormon church after 7 years, and then she and her husband started a ministry to help ex-LDS members and to expose the LDS church. It's not very good, not well written or even well thought out, it seems. Robertson and her husband were "social Christians", as she puts it, and didn't know the bible or have a relationship with Christ, then joined the Mormon church because they didn't know that the teachings were contrary to the Bible. They stayed in it for seven years and became miserable and left. But she never makes it clear what made her so miserable. She seems to imply because it was because she was following a man and not god, but she says she didn't have a relationship with god before, and she wasn't miserable then. She worked really hard, trying to be what she was required to be. And it was mainstream Mormonism, not a polygamous extremist group. I didn't connect with the author and her misery. She just said how miserable she was, I think it was an extreme case of telling and not showing. The most interesting part of the book was her description of the temple ceremony. I have never read a book by an ex-Mormon that told so much. She told her secret name, and many other things that she took an oath that day not to disclose, on threat of disembowelment and a slit throat. It was interesting and very strange. I knew they took that vow, and it seems like most people who write about leaving the Mormon church are still not wanting to break that vow--understandably. It sounds pretty scary. I skimmed the whole last section. She did a good job presenting the teachings of their ministry and what the Bible says compared to LDS teachings. Roberston and her husband have devoted their lives to their ministry, and even lived seven years in the South Pacific, where the LDS church is very strong. She did portray how hard it was to leave. It's very hard to leave, very, very hard. And yet, they weren't raised in the church, they joined it, then left it seven years later. Imagine how hard it is for someone born into it to leave. This lady is passionate about helping people. She probably should have gotten a ghost writer--the book might have gotten a lot more stars if she had.

2022-10-29 03:52

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