Sevmek, Sevinmek, İyi Şeyler Üstüne - Seçme Yazılar - Yaşar Kemal Sevmek, Sevinmek, İyi Şeyler Üstüne - Seçme Yazılar - Yaşar Kemal Sevmek, Sevinmek, İyi Şeyler Üstüne ve Yaşar Kemal. “Ben sevgiden, sevinçten söz açmak istemez miyim, delice, çılgınca, içim taşa taşa, bir sevinçten söz açmak istemez miyim? Ben sevinçli adamım. Bu dünya böyle olmasa, böyle kara, karanlık olmasa, ben sevinçten taşar coşardım. Yaradılışım karanlıktan çok aydınlığa, acıdan çok sevince. Ne çare, ne çare ki sevinmek gelmiyor elimden. Dostluktan söz açmak, ne güzel. Bir dostum var. Sıcacık eli var. Sevgi dolu gözleri var. Ne güzel yalansız, salt sevgi dolu bir insan eli sıkmak. Sıcacık, sıcacık. Ben deli olurum, insanlar karanlık karanlık, kuşkulu baktıkça bana. Bütün insanlar kuşkusuz, korkusuz, çıkar düşünmeden, düşmanlık geçirmeden içlerinden baksalar biribirlerine. İnsan, ne olur biliyor musunuz, sıcacık bir bahar güneşinin bahtiyarlığında duyar kendisini. Bahar güneşinde bir sevinç içinde gerinir. İnsan bir bahar çiçeği temizliğinde olur.” Böyle söylüyor Yaşar Kemal. Bu satırların geçtiği yazının başlığı Sevmek, Sevinmek, İyi Şeyler Üstüne, kitaba adını da veriyor. Yapı Kredi Yayınları’nın Doğan Kardeş-ilkgençlik dizisinden yayımlanan kitap, edebiyatını hümanizm üzerine kuran, Türkiye edebiyatının büyük ustası Yaşar Kemal’in edebiyat, kültür ve özgürlük üzerine temel düşüncelerini gençlere tanıtmak için seçilen yazılardan oluşuyor. Bu başlık, henüz Yaşar Kemal edebiyatıyla tanışmayanlar için, onun dünyaya yaklaşımını özetliyor. Bir insan, bir yazar ve bir aydın olarak hayataki duruşunu olduğu kadar; kökleri asırlar öncesine dayanan olay ve duyguları acı, yoksunluk ve isyanla harmanlayan Anadolu ve Çukurova’nın kültüründen beslenerek yaratığı coşkulu, zengin ve evrensel dilini de ele veriyor. Sevmek, Sevinmek, İyi Şeyler Üstüne, Yaşar Kemal’in daha önce yayımlanan Baldaki Tuz, Zulmün Artsın, Ağacın Çürüğü ve Ustadır Arı kitaplarından seçildi. İlki 1960, sonuncusu 193 yılına ait, onun düşünce evrenine ayna tutan toplam 18 yazı ve konuşmadaki eleştirel tavır, aynı zamanda Türkiye’nin 20. yüzyılın ikinci yarısındaki egemen politik, düşünsel yapısına da ayna tutuyor. Her işin başının “düşünce namusu” olduğunu söyler Yaşar Kemal. “Bence, Batı Batı dedikleri, düşünce namusuyla başlar, onunla biter. Düşünce namusunun bitmediği, gelişmediği yerde, hiçbir iyilik bitmez, gelişemez.” Tembelik, bilim, masalar, korkular, kültür, özgürlük, sinema, Köy Enstitüleri, gericilik, ilericilik, sömürü düzeni, Çukurova, sanat, öfke, folklor, doğa, öğretmenler, İkinci Dünya Savaşı, vicdan, nükler tehlike, Dostoyevski, Nâzım Hikmet. Ve daha nice kişi, konu ve fikir. Kimi coşkuyla, kimi küskünlükle, kimi başkaldırarak kaleme alınsa da, hepsinin temelinde sevgi var.
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Sevmek, Sevinmek, İyi Şeyler Üstüne - Seçme Yazılar - Yaşar Kemal
Čelinja, Босна и Херцеговина
Off the bat, I enjoyed this book. It took me a rough three or so hours to finish it, so it was easy to read and the chemistry between whatsherface and Etienneblah was amazing. Like, the entire time I'm reading it, there's this beast that's rumbling inside of me going, "MOOOAAAAAARRRR". BUT all of the characters were... mildly annoying. Like, I've hated other characters more, and frequently, so the mildly annoying thing could probably translate into high praise, but goddamnit. The thing is, Anna made/felt a lot of things that, logically, made sense to me, that I could understand. Being upset that she's being sent away from her BFF, hating the new place, being too scared to get out there and feed herself because she has to order in another language. Like... I got it, okay, I could understand it. Didn't make it any less annoying, though. Especially since the bitch is going to PARIS. Fuck your friends, you'd have grown apart anyway come University. PARIS. (Side note: you could completely see her "BFFs" betrayal coming, like, please Perkins, what is this, an Easy Reader?) Another thing that kind of leads on from all that is the... blatant lessons we're treated too. Always See the Other Side of the Story; Try To Understand Your Parents Suddenly After Spending The Entire Book Hating/And/OR/Being Embarrassed By Them; Don't Be A Cock And Trample On Your Friends Feelings; Being Gay Is A-Okay And Dyke Is Such A Bad Word That I Won't Even Repeat It. NOTE ABOUT THAT LAST LESSON: Being gay is okay. But for fucks sake Perkins, gimme a little credit to make my own mind up? Preaching, directly at me like that, is annoying. I have my own morals, I can decided for myself. You don't need to explain exactly why Anna was so upset that she would punch the bitch out. I get it. I am a big girl, I understand how insults work. But having Anna be so upset by it that she won't repeat it to a teacher so that can reem that other chick's ass for it? Um... okay. Also, if you're going to preach like that, you could've like... had a gay character in your story so your point doesn't ring completely and utterly token and hollow. My other big thing that I scoffed at was how Anna sees/feels about her father. We get it, he's a bit of a tight-ass selfish prick, but it's not until the end of the novel, just randomly, that she's like, "Well, he meant well in sending me to a fabulous school in Paris". Like... okay. Let's ignore how you hated him and seem to have no appreciation for the genre of his books, little Miss Film Critic. Also, about that: Eiteenemsdfkh's weird little, "omg people actually like reading things about people dying of cancer/leukaemia?" thing? I get that he was going through a rough patch with his mother's illness, but let's not have a big freak out and scorn Mister Anna's Dad for it. That part just read... dumb, to me. And I'm not saying that as someone who's been lucky enough to be untouched by that kind of tragedy, but someone that's lived with it. So... yeah. Maybe other people handle things differently - it was only a small, tiny tiny sentence, but it... annoyed me. Mildly annoyed me, like everything else but their hotness. Other random upsets; no resolution over the former-BFF thing, but I'm more forgiving about that, because I think life has a lot of... sudden endings like that, so that wasn't too bad. AND, NOTE TO PERKINS: trust me, it's not just Americans that like accents, okay? That part really annoyed me, even more than Anna's whining about being an American in Paris, boofuckinghoo whore. Dammit I've made myself angry, she's going on the "too-dumb-to-live" shelf now. I think that's about it. Despite the rambling over insignificant parts about the books ('cause really, most of the stuff I'm whining about is super brief), I still enjoyed it. Mildly. The descriptions of Paris, while a little "travel wiki" most of the time, were lovely - I want to go there even more, now, though I would've liked more... whismy with them, instead of just description. Like... feelings, smells, sounds that kind of thing. Still, Paris itself was almost a character in it's own right, and was really worth reading the book for -- I liked it more than I liked Anna. And even the beatle boy, Ettiene or whatever. <:
2022-10-29 03:49