Üç İstanbul - Mithat Cemal Kuntay Üç İstanbul - Mithat Cemal Kuntay Üç İstanbul Bugüne kadar yapılmış bütün sıralamalarda daima ilk 10’a girmiş olan efsanevi roman. seçkin kitapçılarda, internet satış noktalarında ve Zambak sokak, 21 Beyoğlu’nda. Türk romanının kilometre taşlarından biri daha Oğlak Klasikleri arasında. Yirmiyi aşkın, önde gelen roman kahramanı, bir romanı roman yapan bütün ruh çözümlemeleriyle karşınızda. Bir o kadar sayıda gerçek tarihi kişilikler ile başka yardımcı unutulmaz tipler romana ustaca yedirilmiş. Simsiyah ve otuz üç yıl sürmüş Abdülhamit dönemi baskısıyla İstibdat İstanbul’u. Ve bütün bu İstanbular’ı dikey olarak kesen bir yazar hayatı: Muharir Adnan Bey. Bugüne kadar yapılmış olan bütün sıralamalarda ilk 10’a girmiş olan efsanevi roman Üç İstanbul’u okumuş olanlara katılmak isteyenlere.
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Üç İstanbul - Mithat Cemal Kuntay
El Morro, Campo Elías, Venezuela
This story grew on me and I found myself very much enjoying it as it progressed. Although I'll have to admit, I had not expected the dead husband to take over the dog's body. That threw me off and my immediate reaction was "Seriously? You're kidding me right?". Well, since I had received it as a Goodreads First Read book, I decided to power through it and am happy I did. The story is endearing and I enjoyed the chapter switches from Emily's point of view to Einstein's point of view. There were definitely moments where I laughed reading about Einstein's antics and it was also a heartwarming look at the love between two people. Although Sandy Portman's (dead husband) character does bring up the frustration of why is it that some people just don't realize what they have until it's too late. Anyways, I'm digressing ... it's a good book and a fun read.
2022-10-29 03:54